From info216
Here are all the past exams in INFO216. Note that the continuation exams (in the autumn) usually are different from the ordinary (spring) exams: there is less multiple choice because there are fewer students...
- Spring 2024
- due to a strike in public sector, this exam text was not created by the professor who taught the course: therefore, the "question style" in the exams for 2022 and 2023 are better examples of what you can expect for the ordinary 2025 exam
- also, the curriculum has changed since 2024
- [solution examples and comments] to the exam will follow
- Spring 2023
- the little green hooks on pages 1-25 show correct answers to the closed questions in Task 1
- examples related to the open questions from page 26 onward
- Spring 2022
- the little green hooks show correct answers to the closed questions in tasks 1, 3 and 5
- examples related to the open questions
- the program file mentioned in the last task about RDFlib errors is available here
- see further comments below
- Spring 2021
- the little green hooks show correct answers to the closed questions
- examples related to the open questions (77-88 and 94-99)
- see further comments below
- Spring 2020
- Spring 2019
- Spring 2018
- Spring 2017
- Autumn 2016
- Spring 2016
- Spring 2015
- Spring 2014
About the Spring 2022 exam:
- There is a problem with question 22: The answer states that hasSibling (excluding half-siblings) is Symmetric and Transitive, and also Irreflexive. But, if there is at least one pair of siblings, symmetry+transitivity implies reflexivity, so it cannot in practice be Irreflexive too. When there are errors like this in the questions, we always grade to your advantage as students: so that both the anticipated and correct answers are given full score.
- On Task 3, BIBO is no longer in the curriculum.
About the Spring 2021 exam:
- On Task 2, these vocabularies are no longer in the curriculum: BIBO, BIO, MO, VS, VANN
- On Task 3, this open KG is no longer in the curriculum: EventKG
- The questions about OWL properties were open to interpretations so there may be more ok answers than indicated.
- Additional information given during/after the exam:
- Unfortunately, there is an error in the first question in part 3 of the INFO216 exam: "Which open knowledge graph (or knowledge base) is best matched?"
- "Contains information about more than 90 billion things." This should have said "millions", not "billions", so we will ignore this question during the correction ... Sorry about that!
- On the last question in part 5, we will of course accept both answers with "city population" and with "city count":
- "Continue with the same triple store. Extend the previous SPARQL query so that it lists the city population in each region in Norway in descending order."
- Unfortunately, there is an error in the first question in part 3 of the INFO216 exam: "Which open knowledge graph (or knowledge base) is best matched?"
INFO216, UiB, 2017-2020, Andreas L. Opdahl (c)