Main course book (the whole book is mandatory reading):
- Hogan, A. et al. (2021). Knowledge Graphs. Springer. Synthesis Lectures on Data, Semantics, and Knowledge 22, 1–237, DOI: 10.2200/S01125ED1V01Y202109DSK022, Springer.
Supplementary books (not mandatory):
- Dean Allemang, James Hendler & Fabien Gandon (2020). Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist, Effective Modeling for Linked Data, RDFS and OWL (Third Edition). ISBN: 9781450376143, PDF ISBN: 9781450376150, Hardcover ISBN: 9781450376174, DOI: 10.1145/3382097.
- Andreas Blumauer and Helmut Nagy (2020). The Knowledge Graph Cookbook - Recipes that Work. mono/monochrom. ISBN-10: 3902796707, ISBN-13: 978-3902796707.
Other materials
In addition, the materials listed below for each lecture are either mandatory or suggested reading. More materials will be added to each lecture in the coming weeks.
The labs, lectures and lectures notes are also part of the curriculum.
Make sure you download the electronic resources to your own computer in good time before the exam. This is your own responsibility. That way you are safe if a site becomes unavailable or somehow damaged the last few days before the exam.
Note: to download some of the papers, you may need to be inside UiB's network. Either use a computer directly on the UiB network or connect to your UiB account through VPN.
Lectures (in progress)
Below are the mandatory and suggested readings for each lecture. All the textbook chapters in Hogan et al. ("Knowledge Graphs") are mandatory, whereas the chapters in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon ("Semantic Web") are suggested.
Session 1: Introduction to KGs
- Introduction to Knowledge Graphs
- Organisation of the course
Mandatory readings:
- Chapter 1 Introduction, section 2.1 Models, and Appendix A Background in Hogan et al.
- Tim Berners-Lee talks about the semantic web
- RDFlib 7.1.3 documentation, the following pages:
- The main page
- Getting started with RDFLib
- Loading and saving RDF
- Creating RDF triples
- Navigating Graphs
- Utilities and convenience functions
- RDF terms in rdflib
- Namespaces and Bindings
- The slides from the lecture (available under Files/Slides in
Useful materials:
- Chapters 1-3 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
- Wikidata (
Session 2: Querying and updating KGs (SPARQL)
- SPARQL queries
- SPARQL Update
- Programming SPARQL and SPARQL Update in Python
Mandatory readings:
- Section 2.2 Queries in Hogan et al.
- The SPARQL query language — GraphDB 10.8 documentation
- rdflib 7.1.3 materials: Querying with SPARQL
- The slides from the lecture (available under Files/Slides in
Useful materials:
- Chapter 6 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
- SPARQL 1.1 Query Language
- SPARQL 1.1 Update Language
- SPARQL 1.1 Cheat Sheet
- SPARQL Expressions and Functions
Session 3: Creating KGs
- Extracting KGs from text
- Extracting from marked-up sources
- Extracting from SQL databases and JSON
Mandatory readings:
- Chapter 6 Creation and Enrichment, sections 6.1-6.4, in Hogan et al.
- The slides from the lecture (available under Files/Slides in
Useful materials:
Session 4: Validating KGs
- Validating KG schemas (SHACL)
- Semantic KG schemas/vocabularies (RDFS)
Mandatory readings:
- Section 3.1 Schema in Hogan et al.
- Sections 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6.1, and 5.6.3 in Gayo, J.E. et al. Validating RDF.
- The slides from the lecture (available under Files/Slides in
Useful materials:
- Interactive, online SHACL Playground
- pySHACL - A Python validator for SHACL at (after installation, go straight to "Python Module Use".)
- Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) (Editor's Draft)
- W3C's RDF 1.1 Semantics (the axioms and entailments in sections 8 and 9 are most important, and we will go through the most important ones in the lecture)
- OWL-RL adds inference capability on top of RDFLib. To use it, copy the owlrl folder into your project folder, next to your Python files, and import it with import owlrl.
- OWL-RL documentation (most likely more detailed than you will need)
Session 5: Advanced KGs
- More about RDF, e.g.,
- identity
- blank nodes
- reification
- higher-arity graphs
Mandatory readings:
- Sections 3.2 Identity and 3.3 Context in Hogan et al.
Useful materials:
- W3C's RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax
- RDF Grapher for drawing RDF graphs
- RDF Visualizer for drawing RDF graphs
Session 6: Ontologies
- More powerful vocabularies/ontologies (OWL)
- Creating ontologies
Mandatory readings:
- Sections 4.1 Ontologies and 6.3 Schema/ontology creation in Hogan et al.
Useful materials:
- OWL 2 Primer, sections 2-6 (advanced: 9-10) (show: Turtle)
- WebVOWL interactive OWL visualisation tool
- Selected vocabularies:
- Friend of a Friend (FOAF) (if necessary follow the link to the 2004 version)
- Time ontology in OWL (time, OWL-time)
- Dublin Core (DC)
- SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System Home Page
- Provenance Interchange (PROV)
- Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV,
Session 7: Reasoning
- More about semantic KG schemas (RDFS)
- Description logic
Mandatory readings:
- Section 4.2 Rules + DL in Hogan et al.
Useful materials:
- W3C's RDF 1.1 Semantics (the axioms and entailments in sections 8 and 9 are most important)
- W3C OWL 2 Overview
- W3C OWL 2 Primer
- W3C OWL 2 Quick Reference Guide (2nd Edition)
Session 8: KG Analytics
- Graph analytics
- graph metrics
- directed vector-labelled graphs
- analysis frameworks and techniques
- Symbolic learning
- rule, axiom, and hypothesis mining
Mandatory readings:
- Sections 5.1 Graph Analytics and 5.4 Symbolic Learning in Hogan et al.
Useful materials:
Guest Lecture: KGs in Industry
Guest lecture by Sindre Asplem, Capgemini.
Session 9: KG Embeddings
- Semantic embedding spaces
- KG embedding techniques
- Graph neural networks
Mandatory readings:
- Sections 5.2 Knowledge Graph Embeddings and 5.3 Graph neural networks in Hogan et al.
Useful materials:
- TorchKGE or PyKeen or ??
Session 10: KG Refinement
- Enriching KGs
Mandatory readings:
- Chapter 8 Completion + Correction in Hogan et al.
Useful materials:
Session 11: KGs in Practice
- Open KGs
- Enterprise KGs
Mandatory readings:
- Important knowledge graphs:
- Wikidata (
- DBpedia (,
- GeoNames (
- BabelNet (
- Linked Open Data (LOD) (
- Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV,
Useful materials: