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This page will be updated with Python examples related to the lectures and labs. We will add more examples after each lab has ended. The first examples will use Python's RDFlib. We will introduce other relevant libraries later.
Here we will present suggested solutions after each lab. ''The page will be updated as the course progresses''
=Getting started (Lab 1)=
==Lecture 1: Python, RDFlib, and PyCharm==
===Printing the triples of the Graph in a readable way===
# The turtle format has the purpose of being more readable for humans.
===Coding Tasks Lab 1===
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace, URIRef, BNode, Literal
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, FOAF, XSD
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
g.add((ex.Cade, ex.married, ex.Mary))
g.add((ex.France,, ex.Paris))
g.add((ex.Cade, ex.age, Literal("27", datatype=XSD.integer)))
g.add((ex.Mary, ex.age, Literal("26", datatype=XSD.integer)))
g.add((ex.Mary, ex.interest, ex.Hiking))
g.add((ex.Mary, ex.interest, ex.Chocolate))
g.add((ex.Mary, ex.interest, ex.Biology))
g.add((ex.Mary, RDF.type, ex.Student))
g.add((ex.Paris, RDF.type, ex.City))
g.add((ex.Paris, ex.locatedIn, ex.France))
g.add((ex.Cade, ex.characteristic, ex.Kind))
g.add((ex.Mary, ex.characteristic, ex.Kind))
g.add((ex.Mary, RDF.type, FOAF.Person))
g.add((ex.Cade, RDF.type, FOAF.Person))
==Lecture 2: RDF programming==
===Different ways to create an address===
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace, URIRef, BNode, Literal
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, FOAF, XSD
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
# How to represent the address of Cade Tracey. From probably the worst solution to the best.
# Solution 1 -
# Make the entire address into one Literal. However, Generally we want to separate each part of an address into their own triples. This is useful for instance if we want to find only the streets where people live.
g.add((ex.Cade_Tracey, ex.livesIn, Literal("1516_Henry_Street, Berkeley, California 94709, USA")))
# Solution 2 -
# Seperate the different pieces information into their own triples
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey, ex.street, Literal("1516_Henry_Street")))
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey,, Literal("Berkeley")))
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey, ex.state, Literal("California")))
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey, ex.zipcode, Literal("94709")))
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey,, Literal("USA")))
# Solution 3 - Some parts of the addresses can make more sense to be resources than Literals.
# Larger concepts like a city or state are typically represented as resources rather than Literals, but this is not necesarilly a requirement in the case that you don't intend to say more about them.
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey, ex.street, Literal("1516_Henry_Street")))
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey,, ex.Berkeley))
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey, ex.state, ex.California))
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey, ex.zipcode, Literal("94709")))
g.add((ex.Cade_tracey,, ex.USA))
# Solution 4
# Grouping of the information into an Address. We can Represent the address concept with its own URI OR with a Blank Node.
# One advantage of this is that we can easily remove the entire address, instead of removing each individual part of the address.
# Solution 4 or 5 is how I would recommend to make addresses. Here, ex.CadeAddress could also be called something like ex.address1 or so on, if you want to give each address a unique ID.
# Address URI - CadeAdress
g.add((ex.Cade_Tracey, ex.address, ex.CadeAddress))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, RDF.type, ex.Address))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, ex.street, Literal("1516 Henry Street")))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress,, ex.Berkeley))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, ex.state, ex.California))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, ex.postalCode, Literal("94709")))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress,, ex.USA))
# OR
# Blank node for Address. 
address = BNode()
g.add((ex.Cade_Tracey, ex.address, address))
g.add((address, RDF.type, ex.Address))
g.add((address, ex.street, Literal("1516 Henry Street", datatype=XSD.string)))
g.add((address,, ex.Berkeley))
g.add((address, ex.state, ex.California))
g.add((address, ex.postalCode, Literal("94709", datatype=XSD.string)))
g.add((address,, ex.USA))
# Solution 5 using existing vocabularies for address
# (in this case from
# Also using existing ontology for places like California. (like from
schema = ""
dbp = ""
g.add((ex.Cade_Tracey, schema.address, ex.CadeAddress))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, RDF.type, schema.PostalAddress))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, schema.streetAddress, Literal("1516 Henry Street")))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, schema.addresCity, dbp.Berkeley))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, schema.addressRegion, dbp.California))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, schema.postalCode, Literal("94709")))
g.add((ex.CadeAddress, schema.addressCountry, dbp.United_States))
===Typed Literals===
from rdflib import Graph, Literal, Namespace
from rdflib.namespace import XSD
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
g.add((ex.Cade, ex.age, Literal(27, datatype=XSD.integer)))
g.add((ex.Cade, ex.gpa, Literal(3.3, datatype=XSD.float)))
g.add((ex.Cade,, Literal("Cade Tracey", datatype=XSD.string)))
g.add((ex.Cade, ex.birthday, Literal("2006-01-01",
===Writing and reading graphs/files===
  # Writing the graph to a file on your system. Possible formats = turtle, n3, xml, nt.
g.serialize(destination="triples.txt", format="turtle")
  # Parsing a local file
parsed_graph = g.parse(location="triples.txt", format="turtle")
  # Parsing a remote endpoint like Dbpedia
dbpedia_graph = g.parse("")
===Graph Binding===
#Graph Binding is useful for at least two reasons:
#(1) We no longer need to specify prefixes with SPARQL queries if they are already binded to the graph.
#(2) When serializing the graph, the serialization will show the correct expected prefix
# instead of default namespace names ns1, ns2 etc.
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
dbp = Namespace("")
schema = Namespace("")
g.bind("ex", ex)
g.bind("dbp", dbp)
g.bind("schema", schema)
===Collection Example===

from rdflib import Graph, Namespace
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace
from rdflib.collection import Collection
# Sometimes we want to add many objects or subjects for the same predicate at once.
# In these cases we can use Collection() to save some time.
# In this case I want to add all countries that Emma has visited at once.
b = BNode()
g.add((ex.Emma, ex.visit, b))
Collection(g, b,
    [ex.Portugal, ex.Italy, ex.France, ex.Germany, ex.Denmark, ex.Sweden])
# OR
g.add((ex.Emma, ex.visit, ex.EmmaVisits))
Collection(g, ex.EmmaVisits,
    [ex.Portugal, ex.Italy, ex.France, ex.Germany, ex.Denmark, ex.Sweden])
==Lecture 3: SPARQL==
===SPARQL queries from the lecture===
    ?s ?p ?o .
PREFIX rdf: <>
    ?s rdf:type ?t .
PREFIX owl: <>
    ?s owl:sameAs ?o2 .
    ?s owl:sameAs ?o .
    FILTER(REGEX(STR(?o), "^http://www\\.", "s"))
    BIND(URI(REPLACE(STR(?o), "^http://www\\.", "http://", "s")) AS ?o2)
===Select all contents of lists (rdfllib.Collection)===
# rdflib.Collection has a different interntal structure so it requires a slightly more advance query. Here I am selecting all places that Emma has visited.
PREFIX ex:  <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
SELECT ?visit
  ex:Emma ex:visit/rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?visit
===Using paramters/variables in rdflib queries===
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace, URIRef
from rdflib.plugins.sparql import prepareQuery
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
g.bind("ex", ex)
g.add((ex.Cade, ex.livesIn, ex.France))
g.add((ex.Anne, ex.livesIn, ex.Norway))
g.add((ex.Sofie, ex.livesIn, ex.Sweden))
g.add((ex.Per, ex.livesIn, ex.Norway))
g.add((ex.John, ex.livesIn, ex.USA))
def find_people_from_country(country):
        country = URIRef(ex + country)
        q = prepareQuery(
        PREFIX ex: <>
        SELECT ?person WHERE {
        ?person ex:livesIn ?country.
        capital_result = g.query(q, initBindings={'country': country})
        for row in capital_result:
===SELECTING data from Blazegraph via Python===
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
# This creates a server connection to the same URL that contains the graphic interface for Blazegraph.
# You also need to add "sparql" to end of the URL like below.
sparql = SPARQLWrapper("http://localhost:9999/blazegraph/sparql")
# SELECT all triples in the database.
    ?s ?p ?o.
results = sparql.query().convert()
for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
# SELECT all interests of Cade
    PREFIX ex: <>
    ex:Cade ex:interest ?interest.
results = sparql.query().convert()
for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
===Updating data from Blazegraph via Python===
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, POST, DIGEST
namespace = "kb"
sparql = SPARQLWrapper("http://localhost:9999/blazegraph/namespace/"+ namespace + "/sparql")
    PREFIX ex: <>
    ex:Cade ex:interest ex:Mathematics.
results = sparql.query()
===Retrieving data from Wikidata with SparqlWrapper===
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
sparql = SPARQLWrapper("")
# In the query I want to select all the Vitamins in wikidata.
    SELECT ?nutrient ?nutrientLabel WHERE
  ?nutrient wdt:P279 wd:Q34956.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
results = sparql.query().convert()
for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
    print(result["nutrient"]["value"], "  ", result["nutrientLabel"]["value"])
More examples can be found in the example section on the official query service here:
===Download from BlazeGraph===
Dumps a database to a local RDF file.
You need to install the SPARQLWrapper package first...
import datetime
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, RDFXML
# your namespace, the default is 'kb'
ns = 'kb'
# the SPARQL endpoint
endpoint = '' + ns + '/sparql'
# - the endpoint just moved, the old one was:
# endpoint = '' + ns + '/sparql'
# create wrapper
wrapper = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint)
# prepare the SPARQL update
wrapper.setQuery('CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')
# execute the SPARQL update and convert the result to an rdflib.Graph
graph = wrapper.query().convert()
# the destination file, with code to make it timestamped
destfile = 'rdf_dumps/slr-kg4news-' +'%Y%m%d-%H%M') + '.rdf'
# serialize the result to file
graph.serialize(destination=destfile, format='ttl')
# report and quit
print('Wrote %u triples to file %s .' %
      (len(res), destfile))
===Query Dbpedia with SparqlWrapper===
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
sparql = SPARQLWrapper("")
    PREFIX dbr: <>
    PREFIX dbo: <>
    PREFIX rdfs: <>
    SELECT ?comment
    WHERE {
    dbr:Barack_Obama rdfs:comment ?comment.
    FILTER (langMatches(lang(?comment),"en"))
results = sparql.query().convert()
for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
== Lecture 5: RDFS==
===RDFS inference with RDFLib===
You can use the OWL-RL package to add inference capabilities to RDFLib. Download it [ GitHub] and copy the ''owlrl'' subfolder into your project folder next to your Python files.
[ OWL-RL documentation.]
Example program to get started:
import rdflib.plugins.sparql.update
import owlrl.RDFSClosure
g = rdflib.Graph()
ex = rdflib.Namespace('')
g.bind('', ex)
PREFIX ex: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
    ex:Socrates rdf:type ex:Man .
    ex:Man rdfs:subClassOf ex:Mortal .
# The next three lines add inferred triples to g.
rdfs = owlrl.RDFSClosure.RDFS_Semantics(g, False, False, False)
b = g.query("""
PREFIX ex: <>
    ex:Socrates rdf:type ex:Mortal .
print('Result: ' + bool(b))
===Languaged tagged RDFS labels===
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace, Literal
from rdflib.namespace import RDFS
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
g.add((ex.France, RDFS.label, Literal("Frankrike", lang="no")))
g.add((ex.France, RDFS.label, Literal("France", lang="en")))
g.add((ex.France, RDFS.label, Literal("Francia", lang="es")))
== Lecture 6: RDFS Plus / OWL ==
===RDFS Plus / OWL inference with RDFLib===
You can use the OWL-RL package again as for Lecture 5.
Instead of:
# The next three lines add inferred triples to g.
rdfs = owlrl.RDFSClosure.RDFS_Semantics(g, False, False, False)
you can write this to get both RDFS and basic RDFS Plus / OWL inference:
# The next three lines add inferred triples to g.
owl = owlrl.CombinedClosure.RDFS_OWLRL_Semantics(g, False, False, False)
Example updates and queries:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
    ex:Socrates ex:hasWife ex:Xanthippe .
    ex:hasHusband owl:inverseOf ex:hasWife .
  ex:Xanthippe ex:hasHusband ex:Socrates .
  ex:Socrates ^ex:hasHusband ex:Xanthippe .
    ex:hasWife rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:hasSpouse .
    ex:hasSpouse rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty .
  ex:Socrates ex:hasSpouse ex:Xanthippe .
  ex:Socrates ^ex:hasSpouse ex:Xanthippe .
==Semantic Lifting - CSV==

ex = Namespace('')
from rdflib import Graph, Literal, Namespace, URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, FOAF, RDFS, OWL
import pandas as pd

g = Graph()
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
g.bind("ex", ex)

# Load the CSV data as a pandas Dataframe.
csv_data = pd.read_csv("task1.csv")
# Here I deal with spaces (" ") in the data. I replace them with "_" so that URI's become valid.
csv_data = csv_data.replace(to_replace=" ", value="_", regex=True)
# Here I mark all missing/empty data as "unknown". This makes it easy to delete triples containing this later.
csv_data = csv_data.fillna("unknown")
# Loop through the CSV data, and then make RDF triples.
for index, row in csv_data.iterrows():
    # The names of the people act as subjects.
    subject = row['Name']
    # Create triples: e.g. "Cade_Tracey - age - 27"
    g.add((URIRef(ex + subject), URIRef(ex + "age"), Literal(row["Age"])))
    g.add((URIRef(ex + subject), URIRef(ex + "married"), URIRef(ex + row["Spouse"])))
    g.add((URIRef(ex + subject), URIRef(ex + "country"), URIRef(ex + row["Country"])))
    # If We want can add additional RDF/RDFS/OWL information e.g
    g.add((URIRef(ex + subject), RDF.type, FOAF.Person))
# I remove triples that I marked as unknown earlier.
g.remove((None, None, URIRef("")))
# Clean printing of the graph.
===CSV file for above example===
"Cade Tracey","26","Mary Jackson","US"
"Bob Johnson","21","","Canada"
"Mary Jackson","25","","France"
"Phil Philips","32","Catherine Smith","Japan"
==Semantic Lifting - XML==
from rdflib import Graph, Literal, Namespace, URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, XSD, RDFS
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
prov = Namespace("")
g.bind("ex", ex)
g.bind("ex", ex)
g.bind("prov", prov)

tree = ET.parse("tv_shows.xml")
# The Mueller Investigation was lead by Robert Mueller
root = tree.getroot()
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.leadBy, ex.RobertMueller))

for tv_show in root.findall('tv_show'):
# It involved Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone.
    show_id = tv_show.attrib["id"]
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.PaulManafort))
    title = tv_show.find("title").text
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.RickGates))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.GeorgePapadopoulos))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.MichaelFlynn))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.MichaelCohen))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.RogerStone))

    g.add((URIRef(ex + show_id), ex.title, Literal(title, datatype=XSD.string)))
# Paul Manafort was business partner of Rick Gates
    g.add((URIRef(ex + show_id), RDF.type, ex.TV_Show))
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.businessPartner, ex.RickGates))

    for actor in tv_show.findall("actor"):
# He was campaign chairman for Donald Trump
        first_name = actor.find("firstname").text
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.campaignChairman, ex.DonaldTrump))
        last_name = actor.find("lastname").text
        full_name = first_name + "_" + last_name
        g.add((URIRef(ex + show_id), ex.stars, URIRef(ex + full_name)))
        g.add((URIRef(ex + full_name), ex.starsIn, URIRef(title)))
        g.add((URIRef(ex + full_name), RDF.type, ex.Actor))

# He was charged with money laundering, tax evasion, and foreign lobbying.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.chargedWith, ex.MoneyLaundering))
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.chargedWith, ex.TaxEvasion))
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.chargedWith, ex.ForeignLobbying))

# He was convicted for bank and tax fraud.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.convictedOf, ex.BankFraud))
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.convictedOf, ex.TaxFraud))

# He pleaded guilty to conspiracy.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.pleadGuiltyTo, ex.Conspiracy))

===XML Data for above example===
# He was sentenced to prison.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.sentencedTo, ex.Prison))
    <tv_show id="1050">
    <tv_show id="1066">
==Semantic Lifting - HTML==
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs, NavigableString
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Namespace
from rdflib.namespace import RDF

g = Graph()
# He negotiated a plea agreement.
ex = Namespace("")
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.negotiated, ex.PleaAgreement))
g.bind("ex", ex)

html = open("tv_shows.html").read()
# Rick Gates was charged with money laundering, tax evasion and foreign lobbying.
html = bs(html, features="html.parser")
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.chargedWith, ex.MoneyLaundering))
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.chargedWith, ex.TaxEvasion))
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.chargedWith, ex.ForeignLobbying))

shows = html.find_all('li', attrs={'class': 'show'})
# He pleaded guilty to conspiracy and lying to FBI.
for show in shows:
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.pleadGuiltyTo, ex.Conspiracy))
    title = show.find("h3").text
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.pleadGuiltyTo, ex.LyingToFBI))
    actors = show.find('ul', attrs={'class': 'actor_list'})
    for actor in actors:
        if isinstance(actor, NavigableString):
            actor = actor.text.replace(" ", "_")
            g.add((URIRef(ex + title), ex.stars, URIRef(ex + actor)))
            g.add((URIRef(ex + actor), RDF.type, ex.Actor))

    g.add((URIRef(ex + title), RDF.type, ex.TV_Show))
# Use the serialize method of rdflib.Graph to write out the model in different formats (on screen or to file)
print(g.serialize(format="ttl")) # To screen
#g.serialize("lab1.ttl", format="ttl") # To file

# Loop through the triples in the model to print out all triples that have pleading guilty as predicate
for subject, object in g[ : ex.pleadGuiltyTo :]:
    print(subject, ex.pleadGuiltyTo, object)

# --- IF you have more time tasks ---

===HTML code for the example above===
# Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn and the lying is part of lab 2 and therefore the answer is not provided this week
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <div class="tv_shows">
            <li class="show">
                <div class="irrelevant_data"></div>
                <ul class="actor_list">
                    <li>James Gandolfini</li>
            <li class="show">
                <div class="irrelevant_data"></div>
                <ul class="actor_list">
                    <li >Jerry Seinfeld</li>
                    <li>Jason Alexander</li>
                    <li>Julia Louis-Dreyfus</li>

==WEB API Calls (In this case JSON)==
#Write a method (function) that submits your model for rendering and saves the returned image to file.
import requests
import requests
import json
import shutil
import pprint
# Retrieve JSON data from API service URL. Then load it with the json library as a json object.
url = ""
data = requests.get(url).content.decode("utf-8")
data = json.loads(data)
import rdflib
g = rdflib.Graph()
example = """
  "@context": {
    "name": "",
    "homepage": {
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "@id"
  "@id": "",
  "name": "Markus Lanthaler",
  "homepage": ""
# json-ld parsing automatically deals with @contexts
g.parse(data=example, format='json-ld')
# serialisation does expansion by default
for line in g.serialize(format='json-ld').decode().splitlines():
# by supplying a context object, serialisation can do compaction
context = {
    "foaf": ""
for line in g.serialize(format='json-ld', context=context).decode().splitlines():
<div class="credits" style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">''INFO216, UiB, 2017-2020. All code examples are [ CC0].'' </div>
==OWL - Complex Classes and Restrictions==
import owlrl
from rdflib import Graph, Literal, Namespace, BNode
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, OWL, RDFS
from rdflib.collection import Collection
g = Graph()
ex = Namespace("")
g.bind("ex", ex)
g.bind("owl", OWL)
# a Season is either Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
seasons = BNode()
Collection(g, seasons, [ex.Winter, ex.Autumn, ex.Spring, ex.Summer])
g.add((ex.Season, OWL.oneOf, seasons))
# A Parent is a Father or Mother
b = BNode()
Collection(g, b, [ex.Father, ex.Mother])
g.add((ex.Parent, OWL.unionOf, b))
# A Woman is a person who has the "female" gender
br = BNode()
g.add((br, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
g.add((br, OWL.onProperty, ex.gender))
g.add((br, OWL.hasValue, ex.Female))
bi = BNode()
Collection(g, bi, [ex.Person, br])
g.add((ex.Woman, OWL.intersectionOf, bi))
# A vegetarian is a Person who only eats vegetarian food
br = BNode()
g.add((br, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
g.add((br, OWL.onProperty, ex.eats))
g.add((br, OWL.allValuesFrom, ex.VeganFood))
bi = BNode()
Collection(g, bi, [ex.Person, br])
g.add((ex.Vegetarian, OWL.intersectionOf, bi))
# A vegetarian is a Person who can not eat meat.
br = BNode()
g.add((br, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
g.add((br, OWL.onProperty, ex.eats))
g.add((br, OWL.QualifiedCardinality, Literal(0)))
g.add((br, OWL.onClass, ex.Meat))
bi = BNode()
Collection(g, bi, [ex.Person, br])
g.add((ex.Vegetarian, OWL.intersectionOf, bi))

# A Worried Parent is a parent who has at least one sick child
def graphToImage(graphInput):
br = BNode()
    data = {"rdf":graphInput, "from":"ttl", "to":"png"}
g.add((br, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
    link = ""
g.add((br, OWL.onProperty, ex.hasChild))
    response = requests.get(link, params = data, stream=True)
g.add((br, OWL.QualifiedMinCardinality, Literal(1)))
    # print(response.content)
g.add((br, OWL.onClass, ex.Sick))
bi = BNode()
    with open("lab1.png", "wb") as file:
Collection(g, bi, [ex.Parent, br])
        shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, file)
g.add((ex.WorriedParent, OWL.intersectionOf, bi))

# using the restriction above, If we now write...:
graph = g.serialize(format="ttl")
g.add((ex.Bob, RDF.type, ex.Parent))
g.add((ex.Bob, ex.hasChild, ex.John))
g.add((ex.John, RDF.type, ex.Sick))
# ...we can infer with owl reasoning that Bob is a worried Parent even though we didn't specify it ourselves because Bob fullfills the restriction and Parent requirements.


Latest revision as of 09:10, 3 February 2025

Here we will present suggested solutions after each lab. The page will be updated as the course progresses

Getting started (Lab 1)

from rdflib import Graph, Namespace

ex = Namespace('')

g = Graph()

g.bind("ex", ex)

# The Mueller Investigation was lead by Robert Mueller
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.leadBy, ex.RobertMueller))

# It involved Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone.
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.PaulManafort))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.RickGates))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.GeorgePapadopoulos))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.MichaelFlynn))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.MichaelCohen))
g.add((ex.MuellerInvestigation, ex.involved, ex.RogerStone))

# Paul Manafort was business partner of Rick Gates
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.businessPartner, ex.RickGates))

# He was campaign chairman for Donald Trump
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.campaignChairman, ex.DonaldTrump))

# He was charged with money laundering, tax evasion, and foreign lobbying.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.chargedWith, ex.MoneyLaundering))
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.chargedWith, ex.TaxEvasion))
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.chargedWith, ex.ForeignLobbying))

# He was convicted for bank and tax fraud.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.convictedOf, ex.BankFraud))
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.convictedOf, ex.TaxFraud))

# He pleaded guilty to conspiracy.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.pleadGuiltyTo, ex.Conspiracy))

# He was sentenced to prison.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.sentencedTo, ex.Prison))

# He negotiated a plea agreement.
g.add((ex.PaulManafort, ex.negotiated, ex.PleaAgreement))

# Rick Gates was charged with money laundering, tax evasion and foreign lobbying.
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.chargedWith, ex.MoneyLaundering))
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.chargedWith, ex.TaxEvasion))
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.chargedWith, ex.ForeignLobbying))

# He pleaded guilty to conspiracy and lying to FBI.
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.pleadGuiltyTo, ex.Conspiracy))
g.add((ex.RickGates, ex.pleadGuiltyTo, ex.LyingToFBI))

# Use the serialize method of rdflib.Graph to write out the model in different formats (on screen or to file)
print(g.serialize(format="ttl")) # To screen
#g.serialize("lab1.ttl", format="ttl") # To file

# Loop through the triples in the model to print out all triples that have pleading guilty as predicate
for subject, object in g[ : ex.pleadGuiltyTo :]:
    print(subject, ex.pleadGuiltyTo, object)

# --- IF you have more time tasks ---

# Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn and the lying is part of lab 2 and therefore the answer is not provided this week 

#Write a method (function) that submits your model for rendering and saves the returned image to file.
import requests
import shutil

def graphToImage(graphInput):
    data = {"rdf":graphInput, "from":"ttl", "to":"png"}
    link = ""
    response = requests.get(link, params = data, stream=True)
    # print(response.content)
    with open("lab1.png", "wb") as file:
        shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, file)

graph = g.serialize(format="ttl")