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The textbook in INFO216 is ''Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist, Second Edition: Effective Modeling in RDFS and OWL by Dean Allemang and James Hendler (Jun 3, 2011). Morgan Kaufmann.'' '''The whole book is obligatory reading.'''

Main course book (''the whole book is mandatory reading''):
* Hogan, A. et al. (2021). '''Knowledge Graphs.''' Springer. ''Synthesis Lectures on Data, Semantics, and Knowledge'' 22, 1–237, DOI: 10.2200/S01125ED1V01Y202109DSK022, Springer.
Supplementary books (''not'' mandatory):
* Dean Allemang, James Hendler & Fabien Gandon (2020). '''Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist, Effective Modeling for Linked Data, RDFS and OWL (Third Edition).''' ISBN: 9781450376143, PDF ISBN: 9781450376150, Hardcover ISBN: 9781450376174, DOI: 10.1145/3382097.
* Andreas Blumauer and Helmut Nagy (2020). '''The Knowledge Graph Cookbook - Recipes that Work.''' mono/monochrom. ISBN-10: ‎3902796707, ISBN-13: 978-3902796707.

=Other materials=
=Other materials=

In addition, '''the materials listed below for each lecture are either mandatory or suggested reading.''' Because we are moving from Java to Python this spring, the reading list is not final. We will add more materials to each lecture in the next few weeks.
In addition, '''the materials listed below for each lecture are either mandatory or suggested reading'''. More materials will be added to each lecture in the coming weeks.

'''The lectures and lectures notes are also part of the curriculum.'''
'''The lectures and lectures notes are also part of the curriculum.'''

Make sure you download the electronic resources to your own computer in good time before the exam. This is your own responsibility. That way you are safe if a site becomes unavailable or somehow damaged the last few days before the exam.  
Make sure you download the electronic resources to your own computer in good time before the exam. This is your own responsibility. That way you are safe if a site becomes unavailable or somehow damaged the last few days before the exam.

''Note:'' to download some of the papers, you need to be inside UiB's network. Either use a computer directly on the UiB network or connect to your UiB account through VPN.
''Note:'' to download some of the papers, you may need to be inside UiB's network. Either use a computer directly on the UiB network or connect to your UiB account through VPN.

=Lectures (in progress)=

Below are the mandatory and suggested readings for each lecture. All the textbook chapters in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon are mandatory, whereas the chapters in Blumauer & Nagy are suggested.

Below are the mandatory and suggested readings for each lecture. All the textbook chapters are mandatory. [[Java-based readings]] are also available as an alternative to the Python-based materials.
==Lecture 1: Introduction to KGs==
==Lecture 1: Knowledge Graphs==

* Web of Data
* Introduction to Knowledge Graphs
* INFO216
* Organisation of the course
* RDFLib
* The programming project

Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* Chapters 1-2 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* Chapters 1-2 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* [ Tim Berners-Lee talks about the semantic web] (mandatory)
* [ Tim Berners-Lee talks about the semantic web]
* [ rdflib 4.2.2]
* [[:File:S01-KnowledgeGraphs.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
** Main page and Getting started with RDFLib
* [[:File:S01-KG-8.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
Useful materials:
* [ RDFLib API documentation]
* Important knowledge graphs (''which we will look more at later''):
* [ RDFLib's GitHub page]
** Wikidata (
<!-- ** DBpedia (,
** GeoNames (
** BabelNet (
** Linking Open Data (LOD) (
** Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV,
* Pages 27-55 and 105-122 in Blumauer & Nagy (suggested)

==Lecture 2: RDF==
==Lecture 2: Representing KGs (RDF)==

* Resource Description Framework (RDF)
* Programming RDF in Python
* Programming RDF in Python
* Finding datasets and vocabularies for your projects

Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* Chapter 3 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* Chapter 3 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* [ W3C's RDF 1.1 Primer] (mandatory)
* [ W3C's RDF 1.1 Primer] until and including 5.1.2 Turtle (but not the rest for now)
* We also continue with the Jena RDF materials from lecture 1:
* [ RDFlib 7.0.0 documentation], the following pages:
** [ The core RDF API] (mandatory)
** The main page
** [ An introduction to RDF and the Jena RDF API] (mandatory)
** Getting started with RDFLib
* [[:File:S02-RDF-8.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
** Loading and saving RDF
** Creating RDF triples
** Navigating Graphs
** Utilities and convenience functions
** RDF terms in rdflib
** Namespaces and Bindings
* [[:File:S02-RDF.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
Useful materials:
* [ W3C's RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax] (cursory)
* [ RDFLib 7.0.0 packages] (reference for the labs)
** [ Package org.apache.jena.rdf.model] (supplementary, but necessary for the labs and project)
* [ RDF Grapher] for drawing RDF graphs
* [ RDF Visualizer] for drawing RDF graphs
* [ W3C's RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax]
<!-- * An overview page of some other [ RDF Data Visualization tools] -->
* Pages 25-28, 92-100, 125-128, and 164-167 in Blumauer & Nagy (suggested)

==Lecture 3: SPARQL==
==Lecture 3: Querying and updating KGs (SPARQL)==

* SPARQL queries
* SPARQL Update
* SPARQL Update
* Programming SPARQL and SPARQL Update in Python
* Programming SPARQL and SPARQL Update in Python

Mandatory readings (tentative):
Mandatory readings:
* Chapter 6 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* Chapter 5 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* [ SPARQL 1.1 Update Language] (Sections 1-3)
* [ SPARQL 1.1 Update Language] (Sections 1-3 are obligatory)
* [ rdflib 7.0.0] materials:
* [[:File:S03-SPARQL-12.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
** [ Querying with SPARQL]
* [[:File:S03-SPARQL.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
Useful materials:
<!-- * [ Constructing SPARQL Queries] -->
* [ SPARQL 1.1 Query Language]
* [ SPARQL 1.1 Query Language]
* [ SPARQL 1.1 Update Language] (the rest of it)
* [ SPARQL 1.1 Update Language] (the rest of it)
* [ SPARQL 1.1 Overview]
* [[:File:sparql-1_1-cheat-sheet.pdf | SPARQL 1.1 Cheat Sheet]]
* [ Javadoc] for Apache Jena ARQ 3.2.0
* [ SPARQL Expressions and Functions]
** Query, QueryFactory, QueryExecution, QueryExecutionFactory, ResultSet
* For example pages 54-55, 133 in Blumauer & Nagy (suggested)
** UpdateFactory, UpdateAction
* The [[:File:kg4news-dump-20230130.txt | Knowledge Graphs for the News]] example used in the lecture. (Remember to save with the correct ''.ttl'' extension.)
: (supplementary, but perhaps necessary for the labs and project)

==Lecture 4: Application Architecture==
==Lecture 4: Linked Open Data (LOD)==

* Application components
* Linked Open Data(LOD)
* Triple stores
* The LOD cloud
* Visualisation
* Data provisioning

Mandatory readings ''(both lecture 4 and 5)'':
Mandatory readings:
* Chapter 5 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* Chapter 4 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* [ Linked Data], Tim Berners-Lee, 2006-07-27.
* [ Apache architecture overview] (mandatory, from lecture 1)
* [[:File:S04-LOD.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
* [ Apache's TDB] (mandatory)
* [ Apache's TDB Java API] (mandatory)
* [ Apache Jena Fuseki] (mandatory, we use Fuseki 2)
* [[:File:S04-architecture-5.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
Useful materials
* [ Package org.apache.jena.tdb] Class TDBFactory (createDataset)
* [ What Are Linked Data and Linked Open Data?]
* [ Skjæveland 2012: Sgvizler.] ''Paper.''
* [[:File:BizerHeathBernersLee-LinkedData2009-TheStorySoFar.pdf | Bizer, C., Heath, T., & Berners-Lee, T. (2009). Linked data-the story so far. Semantic services, interoperability and web applications: emerging concepts, 205-227.]]
* [ Sgvizler 0.6]
* [[:File:LohmannEtAl2016-VisualizingOntologiesWithVOWL.pdf | Lohmann et al. (2019): Visualizing Ontologies with VOWL. ''Semantic Web Journal.'']] ''Paper.''
* [ VOWL: Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies]
* [[:File:S07-Visualisation-4.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

==Lecture 5: Open Knowledge Graphs I==
==Lecture 5: RDFS==

* Important open KGs (LOD datasets)
* Axioms, rules and entailment
** Wikidata
* Programming RDFS in Python
** DBpedia

Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* Chapters 6-7 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* Chapter 5 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* [ W3C's RDF Schema 1.1] (mandatory)
* Important knowledge graphs - and what to read:
* [[:File:S05-RDFS-10.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
** Wikidata (
*** [ Introduction to Wikidata]
*** [ SPARQL query service/A gentle introduction to the Wikidata Query Service]
*** example: []
** DBpedia (
*** [ About Dbpedia]
*** example: []
* [[:File:S05-S06-OpenKGs.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
==Lecture 6: Open Knowledge Graphs II==
* [ W3C's RDF 1.1 Semantics] (cursory, except the axioms and entailments in sections 8 and 9, which we will review in the lecture)
* [ Reasoners and rules engines: Jena inference support] (cursory; sections 1 and 3 are relevant, but quite hard)
* [ Javadoc] for
** Model (createRDFSModel)
** InfModel (getRawModel, remove + the same methods as Model)
** RDFS (label, comment, subClassOf, subPropertyOf, domain, range...)
** Reasoner (but we will not use it directly)
: (supplementary, but perhaps necessary for the labs and project)
Case-based examples:
* [[:File:S5_RDFS_Example.pdf | RDFS Eating vegetables case]]
==Lecture 6: RDFS Plus==

* Basic OWL concepts
* Important open KGs (LOD datasets)
* Axioms, rules and entailments
** DBpedia ''(continued)''
* Programming basic OWL in Python
** GeoNames
** the GDELT project
** WordNet
** BabelNet
** ConceptNet

Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* Chapter 8 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* Chapter 5 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* [[:File:S06-RDFSPlus-4.pdf | Slides from the lecture.]]
* Important knowledge graphs - and what to read:
** GeoNames (
*** [ About GeoNames]
*** example: []
** GDELT (
*** [ The GDELT Project] - see also the About and Data pages
** WordNet (
*** [ WordNet - A lexical database for English]
** BabelNet (
*** [ About BabelNet]
*** [ How to use]
*** example: []
** ConceptNet (
*** [ ConceptNet - An open, multilingual knowledge graph]
[[:File:S05-S06-OpenKGs.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
Useful materials
* [ Javadoc] for
* Wikidata statistics
** OntModel (createOntologyModel)  
** [ Entity statistics]
** OntModelSpec (the different reasoners are outlined [ here (very long)], OWL_MEM_RULE_INF is a good starting point)
** [ Statement statistics]
** OWL (defines built-in OWL resources)
* [ DBpedia Spotlight]
** OntClass, Individual, ObjectProperty, DatatypeProperty
* GDELT documentation
: (supplementary, but perhaps necessary for the labs and project)
** [ Event Codebook (and covers mentions)]
** [ CAMEO event codes and other codes]
** [ Global Knowledge Graph Codebook]
* Parts 1 and 3 in Blumauer & Nagy's text book (not tightly related to the lecture, but time to finish them by now :-))

Case-based examples:
==Lecture 7: Enterprise Knowledge Graphs==
* [[:File:S6_RDFS_Plus_Example.pdf | RDFS Plus People and Person case]]

OWL helpful clarifications:
* [[:File:OWL-example_I.pdf | owl:InverseFuctionalProperty vs owl:propertyDisjointWith]]
* Enterprise Knowledge Graphs (EKGs)
* Google’s Knowledge Graph
* Amazon’s Product Graph
* JSON-LD (video presentation)

==Lecture 7 and 8: Vocabularies==
* LOD vocabularies and ontologies
Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* Chapters 9-10 and 13 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* [ Introducing the Knowledge Graph: Things not Strings], Amit Singhal, Google (2012). ''(The blog post that introduced Google's knowledge graph to the world.)''
* [ Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)]
* [ A reintroduction to our Knowledge Graph and knowledge panels], Danny Sullivan, Google (2020).
* [ LODstats]
* [ How Amazon’s Product Graph is helping customers find products more easily], Arun Krishnan, Amazon (2018). ''(Short blog post that reviews some central ideas from the AutoKnow research paper listed below.)''
* [[:File:S07-Vocabularies-21.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
* [ Building product graphs automatically], Xin Luna Dong, Amazon (2020).
* [ JSON for Linking Data]
* [[:File:S07-EnterpriseKGs.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
Supplementary readings:
* Vocabularies:
* Parts 2 and 4 in Blumauer & Nagy's text book (''strongly suggested - this is where Blumauer & Nagy's book is good!'')
** [ SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System Home Page]
* [[:File:Bosch-LIS.pdf | LIS: A knowledge graph-based line information system]] by Grangel-González, I., Rickart, M., Rudolph, O., & Shah, F. (2023, May). In Proceedings of the European Semantic Web Conference (pp. 591-608). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
** [ - Full Hierarchy]
* [[:File:2006.13473.pdf | AutoKnow: Self-Driving Knowledge Collection for Products of Thousands of Types]] by Dong, X. L., He, X., Kan, A., Li, X., Liang, Y., Ma, J., ... & Han, J. (2020, August). In Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (pp. 2724-2734). ''Research paper from Amazon about AutoKnow - this is a bit heavy for Bachelor level, but you can have a look :-)''
** [ Dublin Core (DC)]
** [ Friend of a Friend (FOAF)]
** [ geo: World Geodetic Standard (WGS) 84] (and [ few more general comments here])
** [ The RDF Data Cube Vocabulary]
** [ Annotating vocabulary descriptions (VANN)]
** [ Vocabulary Status (VS)]
** [ Creative Commons (CC) Vocabulary]
** [ Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID)]
** [ Provenance Interchange (PROV)]
** [ Event Ontology (event)]
** [ Time ontology in OWL (time, OWL-time)]
** [ Timeline Ontology (tl)]
** [ Biographical Information (BIO)]
** [ Semantic Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC)]
** [ Bibliographic Ontology (bibo)]
** [ Music Ontology (mo)]
: '''This is what we expect you to know about each vocabulary:''' Its purpose and where and how it can be used. You should know its most central 3-6 classes and properties be able to explain its basic structure. It is less important to get all the names and prefixes 100% right: we do not expect you to learn every little detail by heart. '''' is less important because you have already had about it in INFO116.

==Lecture 9 and 10: Linked Data Resources==
==Lecture 8: Rules (SHACL and RDFS)==

* Important Linked Open Datasets
** DBpedia
* Axioms, rules and entailment
** LinkedGeoData
* Programming SHACL and RDFS in Python
** GeoNames
** Wikidata
** and others

Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* [[:File:BizerHeathBernersLee-LinkedData2009-TheStorySoFar.pdf | Bizer, C., Heath, T., & Berners-Lee, T. (2009). Linked data-the story so far. Semantic services, interoperability and web applications: emerging concepts, 205-227.]]
* Chapters 7-8 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* [[:File:FarberEtAl-ComparativeSurvey-SWJ2015.pdf | Färber, M., Ell, B., Menne, C., & Rettinger, A. (2015). A Comparative Survey of DBpedia, Freebase, OpenCyc, Wikidata, and YAGO. Semantic Web Journal, July.]]
* [ Chapter 5 ''SHACL''] in [ Validating RDF] (available online)
* [ The Linking Open Data (LOD) cloud diagram]
** Sections 5.1, 5.3-5.5, and 5.6,1-5.6.3
* [ LODstats]
* [ W3C's RDF Schema 1.1], focus on sections 1-3 and 6
* [[:File:S08-LinkedOpenDatasets-23.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
* [[:File:S07-SHACL-RDFS.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]  

Useful materials:
Useful materials:
* [ Dbpedia]
* Interactive, online [ SHACL Playground]
* [ Wikidata]
* [ Lab presentation containing a short overview of SHACL and pySHACL]
* [ GeoNames]
* [ pySHACL - A Python validator for SHACL at] ''(after installation, go straight to "Python Module Use".)''
* [ WordNet - A lexical database for English]
* [ Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) (Editor's Draft)]
* [ BabelNet]
* [ W3C's RDF 1.1 Semantics] (''the axioms and entailments in sections 8 and 9, are most important, and we will review them in the lecture'')
* [ Inference and Thruth Maintenance in Blazegraph]
* [ OWL-RL] adds inference capability on top of RDFLib. To use it, copy the ''owlrl'' folder into your project folder, next to your Python files, and import it with ''import owlrl''.
* [ OWL-RL documentation] (most likely more detailed than you will need - check the [[Python Examples]] first
* Pages 101-106 in Blumauer & Nagy (suggested)

==Lecture 11 and 12: Web APIs==
==Lecture 9: Ontologies (OWL)==

* Basic OWL concepts
* Semantic web services
* Axioms, rules and entailments
* Semantic workflows
* Programming basic OWL in Python

Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* [ JSON Syntax] (mandatory)
* Chapter 9-10, 12-13 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* Section 2 in W3C's [ JSON-LD 1.0 Processing Algorithms and API] (mandatory)
* [ OWL2 Primer], sections 2-6 and 9-10
* [[:File:S10-Services-7.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
* [ VOWL: Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies]
** [[:File:S10-JSONLD.pdf | JSON-LD slides]]
* [ Protégé-OWL Getting Started]
Useful materials:
* [[:File:S09-OWL.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
* [ JSON-LD 1.1 - A JSON-based Serialization for Linked Data] (supplementary reference)
* [ JSON for Linked Data] (supplementary)
Useful materials (cursory):
** [ What is Linked Data?] Short video introduction to Linked Data by Manu Sporny
* [ OWL 2 Document Overview]
** [ What is JSON-LD?] Short video introduction to JSON-LD by Manu Sporny
* [ OWL 2 Quick Reference Guide]
* [ OWL2 RDF-Based Semantics]
* The OWL-RL materials (from Lecture 5)
* [ VOWL: Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies]
* [ WebVOWL]
* [[:File:LohmannEtAl2016-VisualizingOntologiesWithVOWL.pdf | Lohmann et al. (2019): Visualizing Ontologies with VOWL. ''Semantic Web Journal.'']]
* Pages 106-109 in Blumauer & Nagy (suggested)

==Lecture 13: OWL==
==Lecture 10: Vocabularies==

* Advanced OWL
* LOD vocabularies and ontologies
* Axioms, rules and entailments
* Programming advanced OWL in Python

Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* Chapters 11-12 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* Chapters 10-11 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
* [[:File:S11-OWL-15-utlagt.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
* [ Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)]
* Important vocabularies / ontologies:
** [ Friend of a Friend (FOAF)] (if necessary follow the link to the 2004 version)
** [ Event Ontology (event)]
** [ Time ontology in OWL (time, OWL-time)]
** [ geo: World Geodetic Standard (WGS) 84]
** [ Dublin Core (DC)]
** [ SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System Home Page]
** [ Semantic Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC)]
** [ - Full Hierarchy]
** [ DBpedia Ontology]
** [ Provenance Interchange (PROV)]
** [ Creative Commons (CC) Vocabulary]
** ''What we expect you to know about each vocabulary is this:''  
*** Its purpose and where and how it can be used.
*** Its most central 3-6 classes and properties be able to explain its basic structure.
*** It is less important to get all the names and prefixes 100% right: we do not expect you to learn every little detail by heart.  
* [[:File:S10-Vocabularies.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
* [ OWL 2 Document Overview] (cursory)
* [ OWL2 Primer] (cursory)
* [ OWL 2 Quick Reference Guide] (cursory)
* [ VOWL: Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies] (cursory)
* [ WebVOWL] (cursory)
* [ Jena Ontology API] (we will most likely not go into this) (cursory)

==Lecture 14: OWL DL==
==Lecture 11: KG embeddings==

* Description logic
* KG embeddings
* Decision problems
* Link prediction
* TorchKGE
* Programming with OWL-DL reasoners in Python

Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* [[:File:S12-OWL-DL-10.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
* [ Introduction to Machine Learning for Beginners] ([[:file:IntroToMachineLearning.pdf | PDF]])
* [ Introduction to Word Embeddings and word2vec] ([[:file:IntroToWordEmbeddings.pdf | PDF]])
* [ Introduction to Knowledge Graph Embeddings] ([[:file:IntroToKGEmbeddings.pdf | PDF]])
* [[:file:S11-GraphEmbeddings.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
Supplementary readings:
* [[:File:NardiBrachman-IntroductionToDescriptionLogic.pdf | Nardi & Brachman: Introduction to Description Logics. Chapter 1 in Description Logic Handbook.]] ''(cursory)''
* [[:file:Mikolov_et_al._-_2013_-_Efficient_Estimation_of_Word_Representations_in_Ve.pdf | Mikolov et al’s original word2vec paper]]
* [[:File:BaderNutt-BasicDescriptionLogics.pdf | Baader & Nutt: Basic Description Logics. Chapter 2 in Description Logic Handbook.]]
* [[:file:Bordes_et_al._-_Translating_Embeddings_for_Modeling_Multi-relation.pdf | Bordes et al’s original TransE paper]]
** ''Cursory'', quickly gets mathematical after the introduction. In particular, sections about fixpoint semantics apply to TBoxes with cyclic definitions, which we do not consider in this course. We also do not consider the stuff about rules, epistemics, and reasoning from section 2.2.5 on.
* [ Welcome to TorchKGE’ s documentation!] (for the labs)
* [ Complexity of Reasoning in Description Logics. Powered by Evgeny Zolin.] (informative)

==Lecture 15: Ontology Development and Evaluation==
==Lecture 12: KGs and Large Language Models==

* Ontology Development 101 method

* What are Large Language Models (LLMs)
* Combining KGs and Large Language Models (LLMs)
** retrieval augmented knowledge fusion
** end-to-end KG construction
** LLM-augmented KG to text generation
Mandatory readings:
Mandatory readings:
* Chapters 14-16 in Allemang & Hendler. ''In the text book.''
* [ Noy & McGuinness (2001): Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology.] ''Paper.''
* [[:File:S13-OntologyDevelopment-4.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]

Useful materials:
* [[:file:S12-KGsAndLLMs.pdf | Slides from the lecture]]
* [ Sicilia et al. (2012): Empirical findings on ontology metrics.] ''Paper.''  (cursory)
* No mandatory readings beyond the slides
Supplementary readings:

* Pan, S., Luo, L., Wang, Y., Chen, C., Wang, J., & Wu, X. (2024). [[:file:PanEtAl2023-LLMs_KGs_Opportunities_Challenges.pdf | ''Unifying large language models and knowledge graphs: A roadmap.'']]  IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
* Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N., Parmar, N., Uszkoreit, J., Jones, L., Gomez, A. N., ... &  Polosukhin, I. (2017). [[:file:NIPS-2017-attention-is-all-you-need-Paper.pdf | ''Attention is all you need.'']]  Advances in neural information processing systems, 30.<br />

<div class="credits" style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">''INFO216, UiB, 2017-2020, Andreas L. Opdahl (c)''</div>
<div class="credits" style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">''INFO216, UiB, 2017-2024, Andreas L. Opdahl (c)''</div>

Latest revision as of 10:16, 20 January 2025


Main course book (the whole book is mandatory reading):

  • Hogan, A. et al. (2021). Knowledge Graphs. Springer. Synthesis Lectures on Data, Semantics, and Knowledge 22, 1–237, DOI: 10.2200/S01125ED1V01Y202109DSK022, Springer.

Supplementary books (not mandatory):

  • Dean Allemang, James Hendler & Fabien Gandon (2020). Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist, Effective Modeling for Linked Data, RDFS and OWL (Third Edition). ISBN: 9781450376143, PDF ISBN: 9781450376150, Hardcover ISBN: 9781450376174, DOI: 10.1145/3382097.
  • Andreas Blumauer and Helmut Nagy (2020). The Knowledge Graph Cookbook - Recipes that Work. mono/monochrom. ISBN-10: ‎3902796707, ISBN-13: 978-3902796707.

Other materials

In addition, the materials listed below for each lecture are either mandatory or suggested reading. More materials will be added to each lecture in the coming weeks.

The lectures and lectures notes are also part of the curriculum.

Make sure you download the electronic resources to your own computer in good time before the exam. This is your own responsibility. That way you are safe if a site becomes unavailable or somehow damaged the last few days before the exam.

Note: to download some of the papers, you may need to be inside UiB's network. Either use a computer directly on the UiB network or connect to your UiB account through VPN.

Lectures (in progress)

Below are the mandatory and suggested readings for each lecture. All the textbook chapters in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon are mandatory, whereas the chapters in Blumauer & Nagy are suggested.

Lecture 1: Introduction to KGs


  • Introduction to Knowledge Graphs
  • Organisation of the course

Mandatory readings:

Useful materials:

  • Important knowledge graphs (which we will look more at later):
  • Pages 27-55 and 105-122 in Blumauer & Nagy (suggested)

Lecture 2: Representing KGs (RDF)


  • Resource Description Framework (RDF)
  • Programming RDF in Python

Mandatory readings:

  • Chapter 3 in Allemang, Hendler & Gandon (3rd edition)
  • W3C's RDF 1.1 Primer until and including 5.1.2 Turtle (but not the rest for now)
  • RDFlib 7.0.0 documentation, the following pages:
    • The main page
    • Getting started with RDFLib
    • Loading and saving RDF
    • Creating RDF triples
    • Navigating Graphs
    • Utilities and convenience functions
    • RDF terms in rdflib
    • Namespaces and Bindings
  • Slides from the lecture

Useful materials:

Lecture 3: Querying and updating KGs (SPARQL)


  • SPARQL queries
  • SPARQL Update
  • Programming SPARQL and SPARQL Update in Python

Mandatory readings (tentative):

Useful materials:

Lecture 4: Linked Open Data (LOD)


  • Linked Open Data(LOD)
  • The LOD cloud
  • Data provisioning

Mandatory readings (both lecture 4 and 5):

Useful materials

Lecture 5: Open Knowledge Graphs I


  • Important open KGs (LOD datasets)
    • Wikidata
    • DBpedia

Mandatory readings:

Lecture 6: Open Knowledge Graphs II


  • Important open KGs (LOD datasets)
    • DBpedia (continued)
    • GeoNames
    • the GDELT project
    • WordNet
    • BabelNet
    • ConceptNet

Mandatory readings:

Useful materials

Lecture 7: Enterprise Knowledge Graphs


  • Enterprise Knowledge Graphs (EKGs)
  • Google’s Knowledge Graph
  • Amazon’s Product Graph
  • JSON-LD (video presentation)

Mandatory readings:

Supplementary readings:

  • Parts 2 and 4 in Blumauer & Nagy's text book (strongly suggested - this is where Blumauer & Nagy's book is good!)
  • LIS: A knowledge graph-based line information system by Grangel-González, I., Rickart, M., Rudolph, O., & Shah, F. (2023, May). In Proceedings of the European Semantic Web Conference (pp. 591-608). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • AutoKnow: Self-Driving Knowledge Collection for Products of Thousands of Types by Dong, X. L., He, X., Kan, A., Li, X., Liang, Y., Ma, J., ... & Han, J. (2020, August). In Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (pp. 2724-2734). Research paper from Amazon about AutoKnow - this is a bit heavy for Bachelor level, but you can have a look :-)

Lecture 8: Rules (SHACL and RDFS)


  • SHACL and RDFS
  • Axioms, rules and entailment
  • Programming SHACL and RDFS in Python

Mandatory readings:

Useful materials:

Lecture 9: Ontologies (OWL)


  • Basic OWL concepts
  • Axioms, rules and entailments
  • Programming basic OWL in Python

Mandatory readings:

Useful materials (cursory):

Lecture 10: Vocabularies


  • LOD vocabularies and ontologies

Mandatory readings:

Lecture 11: KG embeddings


  • KG embeddings
  • Link prediction
  • TorchKGE

Mandatory readings:

Supplementary readings:

Lecture 12: KGs and Large Language Models


  • What are Large Language Models (LLMs)
  • Combining KGs and Large Language Models (LLMs)
    • retrieval augmented knowledge fusion
    • end-to-end KG construction
    • LLM-augmented KG to text generation

Mandatory readings:

Supplementary readings:


INFO216, UiB, 2017-2024, Andreas L. Opdahl (c)