SPARQL Examples
From info216
This page will be updated with SPARQL examples as the course progresses.
SPARQL Examples from Session 3: SPARQL
Prefixes used
The examples below will assume that these are in place (some examples aren't yet visible).
PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX dc: <> PREFIX bibo: <> PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX ss: <> PREFIX kg: <> PREFIX sp: <> PREFIX th: <> PREFIX xml: <> PREFIX ex: <>
Select all triplets in graph
SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }
Select the interestes of Cade
SELECT ?cadeInterest WHERE { ex:Cade ex:interest ?cadeInterest . }
Select the country and city where Emma lives
SELECT ?emmaCity ?emmaCountry WHERE { ex:Emma ex:address ?address . ?address ex:city ?emmaCity . ?address ex:country ?emmaCountry . }
Select the people who are over 26 years old
SELECT ?person ?age WHERE { ?person ex:age ?age . FILTER(?age > 26) . }
Select people who graduated with Bachelor
SELECT ?person ?degree WHERE { ?person ex:degree ?degree . ?degree ex:degreeLevel "Bachelor" . }
Delete cades photography interest
DELETE DATA { ex:Cade ex:interest ex:Photography . }
Delete and insert university of valencia
DELETE { ?s ?p ex:University_of_Valencia } INSERT { ?s ?p ex:Universidad_de_Valencia } WHERE { ?s ?p ex:University_of_Valencia }
Check if the deletion worked
SELECT ?s ?o2 WHERE { ?s ex:degree ?o . ?o ex:degreeSource ?o2 . }
Insert Sergio
INSERT DATA { ex:Sergio a foaf:Person ; ex:address [ a ex:Address ; ex:city ex:Valenciay ; ex:country ex:Spain ; ex:postalCode "46021"^^xsd:string ; ex:state ex:California ; ex:street "4_Carrer_del_Serpis"^^xsd:string ] ; ex:degree [ ex:degreeField ex:Computer_science ; ex:degreeLevel "Master"^^xsd:string ; ex:degreeSource ex:University_of_Valencia ; ex:year "2008"^^xsd:gYear ] ; ex:expertise ex:Big_data, ex:Semantic_technologies, ex:Machine_learning; foaf:name "Sergio_Pastor"^^xsd:string . }
Describe Sergio
DESCRIBE ex:Sergio ?o WHERE { ex:Sergio ?p ?o . ?o ?p2 ?o2 . }
Construct that any city is in the country in an address
CONSTRUCT {?city ex:locatedIn ?country} Where { ?s rdf:type ex:Address . ?s ex:city ?city . ?s ex:country ?country. }