Lab: OWL 2
From info216
- Basic OWL ontology editing in Protégé.
- WebVOWL visualisation.
Useful materials
- Protégé page use either Webprotégé (simplest) or the download (more powerful) version
- OWL Documentation
Vocabularies and terms:
- Geo
- Event
- OWL-Time
- DC
In this exercise, you can continue with the ontology you create in [Lab: OWL 1 | the OWL 1 lab] or use the (very incomplete) one below.
Tip: When you save OWL files as XML, the extension .owl-xml can be used.
Task: the Webprotégé (simplest) alternative Inspect your ontology with Webprotégé.
- Register as a new user and log in.
- Create a new project and use Create from existing sources to upload your OWL/XML file.
Task: the download (more powerful alternative
- Download Protégé for free and run it on your local machine. The stand-alone version is even more powerful with lots of plug-ins.
- Go to File -> Open and load your OWL/XML file.
Task. Most likely, your ontology is still quite disconnected.
- Add rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:domain, and rdfs:range triples to turn it into a more connected graph that represents the domain.
- Now and later, save your ontology often to a local XML file, and visualise it using WebVOWL. The purpose of WebVOWL is to visualise classes and their properties, so the individuals may not show. (If the current version linked on the WebVOWL page has stopped, there is also a link to a more stable older backup version.)
Task. Continue to extend your ontology by adding concepts from standard ontologies such as:
- FOAF, Event Ontology, SKOS, DC, OWL-Time, etc.
Triples you can use to get started
@prefix ex: <http://example/org#> .
ex:Mueller_Investigation ex:involved ex:George_Papadopoulos,
ex:Roger_Stone ;
ex:leadBy ex:Robert_Mueller .
ex:Michael_Cohen ex:attorneyFor ex:Donald_Trump ;
ex:pleadedGuilty ex:Michael_Cohens_Lying .
ex:Michael_Cohens_Lying a ex:Lying ;
ex:wasLyingAbout ex:Trump_RealEstateDeal ;
ex:wasLyingTo ex:Congress .
ex:Michael_Flynn ex:adviserTo ex:Donald_Trump ;
ex:negotiatedAgreement ex:PleaAgreement ;
ex:pleadedGuilty ex:Michael_Flynns_Lying .
ex:Michael_Flynns_Lying a ex:Lying ;
ex:wasLyingTo ex:FBI .
ex:Paul_Manafort ex:campaignManager ex:Donald_Trump ;
ex:chargedWith ex:ForeignLobbying,
ex:TaxEvasion ;
ex:convictedFor ex:BankAndTaxFraud ;
ex:hasBusinessPartner ex:Rick_Gates ;
ex:negotiatedAgreement ex:PleaAgreement ;
ex:pleadedGuilty ex:Conspiracy ;
ex:sentencedTo ex:Prison .
ex:Rick_Gates_Lying a ex:Lying ;
ex:wasLyingTo ex:FBI .
ex:Rick_Gates ex:chargedWith ex:ForeignLobbying,
ex:TaxEvasion ;
ex:pleadedGuilty ex:Conspiracy,
ex:Rick_Gates_Lying .
If you have more time