Solution examples 2022
From info216
*** Examples related to the Part 2 - Programming task from 2022: The examples only show the triples that should be in the solution, not the actual programming code, so they are not sufficient as answers on their own. See Robin's suggestions for how to program this. Question 26: :Agent rdf:type owl:Class . :Author rdfs:subClassOf :Agent . :Organization rdfs:subClassOf :Agent . :Country rdfs:subClassOf :Agent . :Publication rdf:type owl:Class . :Paper rdfs:subClassOf :Publication . :name rdfs:domain :Agent ; rdfs:range xsd:string . :affiliation rdfs:domain :Author ; rdfs:range :Organization . :country rdfs:domain :Author ; rdfs:range :Country . :title rdfs:domain :Publication ; rdfs:range xsd:string . :author rdfs:domain :Publication ; rdfs:range :Author . :publication rdfs:domain :Paper ; rdfs:range :Publication . :publisher rdfs:domain :Publication ; rdfs:range :Organization . :year rdfs:domain :Publication ; rdfs:range xsd:int . Question 27: :DBpedia_A_nucleus a :Paper ; :author :Christian_Bizer, :Soren_Auer ; :publication :The_semantic_web_book ; :publisher :Springer_Nature ; :title "DBpedia A nucleus" ; :year 2007 . :Linked_data_The_story_so_far a :Paper ; :author :Christian_Bizer, :Tim_Berners-Lee ; :publication :Semantic_services_interoperability_and_web_applications ; :publisher :IGI_Global ; :title "Linked data The story so far" ; :year 2011 . :The_semantic_web a :Paper ; :author :James_Hendler, :Tim_Berners-Lee ; :publication :Scientific_American ; :publisher :Springer_Nature ; :title "The semantic web" ; :year 2001 . :James_Hendler a :Author ; :affiliation :Rensselaer_Polytechnic_Institute ; :country :United_States ; :name "James Hendler" . :Soren_Auer a :Author ; :affiliation :Leibniz_University_Hannover ; :country :Germany ; :name "Soren Auer" . :IGI_Global a :Organization ; :name "IGI Global" . :Leibniz_University_Hannover a :Organization ; :name "Leibniz University Hannover" . :Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology a :Organization ; :name "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" . :Rensselaer_Polytechnic_Institute a :Organization ; :name "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute" . :University_of_Mannheim a :Organization ; :name "University of Mannheim" . :Scientific_American a :Publication ; :title "Scientific American" . :Semantic_services_interoperability_and_web_applications a :Publication ; :title "Semantic services interoperability and web applications" . :The_semantic_web_book a :Publication ; :title "The semantic web book" . :Christian_Bizer a :Author ; :affiliation :University_of_Mannheim ; :country :Germany ; :name "Christian Bizer" . :Tim_Berners-Lee a :Author ; :affiliation :Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology ; :country :United_States ; :name "Tim Berners-Lee" . :Germany a :Country ; :name "Germany" . :United_States a :Country ; :name "United States" . :Springer_Nature a :Organization ; :name "Springer Nature" . *** Examples related to the Part 4 - Restrictions and reasoning task from 2022: Question 40: :Organization rdfs:subClassOf :Agent . Question 41: :affiliation rdfs:domain :Author . Question 42: :affiliation rdfs:range :Organization . Question 43: :publication rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty . Question 44: :year rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty . Question 45: :publication rdf:type owl:IrreflexiveProperty . Question 46: :publication rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty . Question 47: :name rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty . Question 48: :Author owl:disjointWith :Organization . Question 49: :title rdfs:range xsd:string . Question 50: :Paper rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:someValuesFrom :Author ; owl:onProperty :author ] Question 51: :Paper rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:cardinality 1 ; owl:onProperty :author ] Question 52: :year rdfs:range [ a rdfs:Datatype ; owl:onDatatype xsd:int ; owl:withRestrictions ( [xsd:minInclusive 1900] [xsd:maxInclusive 2050] ) ] Question 53: [ rdf:type owl:AllDisjointClasses ; owl:members ( :Author :Organization :Country ) ] Question 54: :Publisher owl:equivalentClass ( :ACM :IEEE_CS :Springer_Nature :IGI_Global ) *** Examples related to Part 6 - SPARQL from 2022: Question 62: SELECT ?title WHERE { ?paper rdf:type :Paper ; :title ?title . } Question 63: SELECT DISTINCT ?name WHERE { ?publ rdf:type :Publication ; :publisher / :name ?name } ORDER BY ?name Question 64: SELECT ?author ?title WHERE { ?author ^:name / ^:author / :title ?title } Question 65: SELECT ?country (COUNT(?paper) AS ?number) WHERE { ?paper rdf:type :Paper ; :author / :country / :name ?country } GROUP BY ?country Question 66: SELECT ?author (COUNT(?paper) AS ?number) WHERE { ?author ^:name / ^:author ?paper } GROUP BY ?author Question 67: SELECT ?name (MIN(?year) AS ?min) (MAX(?year) AS ?max) WHERE { ?author rdf:type :Author ; :name ?name ; ^:author / :year ?year } GROUP BY ?name Question 68: SELECT ?name WHERE { ?author rdf:type :Author ; :name ?name MINUS { ?author :country / :name "Germany" } } Question 69: ASK { "James Hendler" ^:name / ^:author ?paper1 ; ^:name / ^:author ?paper2 FILTER (?paper1 != ?paper2) } Question 70: CONSTRUCT { ?author rdf:type :Author ; :name ?name ; :affiliation ?affiliation ; :country ?country } WHERE { ?author rdf:type :Author ; :name ?name ; :affiliation ?affiliation ; :country ?country ; ^:author / :author / :name "Christian Bizer" } Question 71: CONSTRUCT { ?author rdf:type :Author ; :name ?name ; :affiliation ?affiliation ; :country ?country . ?paper rdf:type :Paper ; :author ?author ; :title ?title } WHERE { ?author rdf:type :Author ; :name ?name ; :affiliation ?affiliation ; :country ?country ; ^:author / :author / :name "Christian Bizer" ; ^:author ?paper . ?paper :title ?title } Question 72: INSERT { ?org rdf:type :Institution } WHERE { ?author rdf:type :Author ; :affiliation ?org } Question 73: INSERT { ?org :locatedIn ?country } WHERE { ?author rdf:type :Author ; :affiliation ?org ; :country ?country } Question 74: INSERT { ?paper :producedBy ?org } WHERE { ?paper :author / :affiliation ?org } Question 75: INSERT { ?paper :producedIn ?country } WHERE { ?paper :author / :country ?country } Question 76: DELETE { ?author :country ?country } WHERE { ?author :country ?country } Question 77: DELETE { ?paper :year ?year } WHERE { ?paper :year ?year ; :year ?earlier . FILTER(?year > ?earlier) } *** Example related to Task 78 - Error detection from 2022: The errors are: Graph() without assignment BASE not a Namespace Parse 'owl' format No tuples in add No Literal() No owlrl import No closure DELETE without WHERE