From info216


  • Simple RDFS statements/triples
  • Basic RDFS programming in RDFlib
  • Basic RDFS reasoning with OWL-RL

Useful materials

rdflib classes/interfaces and attributes/functions:

  • RDF (RDF.type)
  • RDFS (RDFS.domain, RDFS.range, RDFS.subClassOf, RDFS.subPropertyOf)


OWL-RL classes/interfaces:

  • RDFSClosure, RDFS_Semantics


Task: Install OWL-RL into your virtual environment:

pip install owlrl.

Task: We will use simple examples from the Mueller investigation RDF graph you made in Exercise 1.

Create a new rdflib graph and add in "plain RDF" like you did in Exercise 1:

  • Rick Gates was charged with money laundering and tax evasion.

Use RDFS to add these rules as triples:

  • When one thing that is charged with another thing,
    • the first thing is a person under investigation and
    • the second thing is an offense.

You can add triples using simple rdflib.add((s, p, o)) or using INSERT DATA {...} SPARQL updates. If you use SPARQL updates, you can define a namespace dictionary like this:

EX = Namespace('')
NS = {
    'ex': EX,
    'rdf': RDF,
    'rdfs': RDFS,
    'foaf': FOAF,

You can then give NS as an optional argument to graph.update() - or to graph.query() - like this:

    # when you provide an initNs-argument, you do not have 
    # to define PREFIX-es as part of the update (or query)
        # your SPARQL update goes here
""", initNs=NS)


  • Write a SPARQL query that checks the RDF type(s) of Rick Gates in your RDF graph.
  • Write a similar SPARQL query that checks the RDF type(s) of money laundering in your RDF graph.
  • Write a small function that computes the RDFS closure on your graph.
  • Re-run the SPARQL queries to check the types of Rick Gates and of money laundering again.

You can compute the RDFS closure on a graph like this:

engine = owlrl.RDFSClosure.RDFS_Semantics(g, False, False, False)

Task: Use RDFS to add this rule as a triple:

  • A person under investigation is a FOAF person.
  • Like earlier, check the RDF types of Rick Gates before and after running RDFS reasoning.

Task: Add in "plain RDF" as in Exercise 1:

  • Paul Manafort was convicted for tax evasion.

Use RDFS to add these rules as triples:

  • When one thing is convicted for another thing,
    • the first thing is also charged with the second thing.

Note: we are dealing with a "timeless" graph here, that represents facts that has held at "some points in time", but not necessarily at the same time.

  • What are the RDF types of Paul Manafort and of tax evasion before and after RDFS reasoning?
  • Does the RDFS domain and range of the convicted for property change?

If you have more time...