Lab: Ontop

From info216


  • Creating SQLite3 databases
  • Creating OBDA or R2RML mappings
  • Setting up Ontop in GraphDB
  • Querying SQLite3 databases through a virtual Ontop KG

Useful materials


We recommend you run this exercise through the Ontop plugin to the free desktop version of OntoText's GraphDB tool. You can also use one of the open-source versions of Ontop.

Installing and running SQLite3

Task: Download and install a relational database system on your computer. We recommend the very light-weight and easy-to-install SQLite3.

Task: Create a folder on your local computer for this exercise. Go to the new folder and open a Console or Terminal window. Start SQLite3 with the name of a new database, for example 'MyTestDB.sqlite'.

Task: Based on the example files Fig6.3-ReportClaimantTable-original.sql in the Examples folder in, create the following two tables and fill them with test data:

Table InvestigatedPeople:

InvestigationID American CPDate CPDays IndictmentDays Investigation Name Outcome Overturned Pardoned
investigation_114 true None None None bush-clinton-passport None None false false
investigation_100 true 1993-10-26 1335 789 pierce Deborah Gore Dean conviction false false
investigation_113 true None None None sealed-investigation-hwbush-2 None None false false
investigation_10 true 1975-01-01 592 286 watergate Robert C. Mardian conviction true false
investigation_11 true None None -9 watergate Maurice H. Stans indictment false false
investigation_115 true 1994-03-22 -136 -316 whitewater David L. Hale guilty-plea false false

Table Investigations:

Investigation InvestigationDays InvestigationStart InvestigationEnd President
bush-clinton-passport 1081 1992-12-14 1995-11-30 Bill Clinton
pierce 3162 1990-03-01 1998-10-27 George H.W. Bush
sealed-investigation-hwbush-2 453 1991-04-19 1992-07-15 George H.W. Bush
watergate 1492 1973-05-19 1977-06-19 Richard Nixon
whitewater 2770 1994-08-05 2002-03-06 Bill Clinton

Tip: You can either enter SQL statements interactively one by one, or you can save them to a file and use SQLite3's .read command. Use the .exit command when you are done.

Tip: Although SQLite3 does not require it, Ontop will later expect that you have declared all PRIMARY KEYS as NOT NULL (for example: "InvestigationID text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,").

(If you want more data, the full CSV file is available on GitHub.)

OBDA and R2RML mappings

Task: Draw an example graph on paper that represents the investigation_100 and pierce rows of the two tables.

Task: Based on the example files Fig6.4-ReportClaimant-mapping.obda and/or Fig6.4-ReportClaimant-mapping.r2rml in the Examples folder, create a mapping from the two tables into an RDF graph.

GraphDB Ontop configuration

Task: You already have Ontop as part of your GraphDB installation, but you need an additional .jar-file - a JDBC driver - for connecting to your database of choice. For SQLite3, you can download the driver from Xenial on GitHub. Place the .jar-file in the lib/-subfolder of your GraphDB installation folder(*). Restart Ontop.

(*) On Linux, the path is <ONTOP_INSTALL_DIR>/lib/app/lib/sqlite-jdbc- .


  • Create a new Ontop repository.
  • The Driver class should be org.sqlite.JDBC. The JDBC URL should be jdbc:sqlite:PATH, where PATH is the location of your SQLite3 database, for example jdbc:sqlite:C:/Users/MyUser/OntopLab/MyTestDB.sqlite.
  • Load the OBDA or R2RML mapping file.
  • Click Create and activate the new repository.

Running SPARQL queries

Task: Write SPARQL queries that answer the following questions:

  • List all investigations in your graph.
  • Count the number of investigations in your graph.
  • List all investigated people in your graph.
  • List all investigated people in your graph along with the investigations they were involved in.
  • You can also re-do the following queries from before (you may need to load more data):
    • List everyone who pleaded guilty, along with the name of the investigation.
    • List everyone who were convicted, but who had their conviction overturned by which president.
    • For each investigation, list the number of indictments made.
    • For each investigation with multiple indictments, list the number of indictments made.
    • For each investigation with multiple indictments, list the number of indictments made, sorted with the most indictments first.

If you have more time

Task: Create a new No inference (plain RDF) GraphDB repository and import triples from the file Presidents.ttl in the Examples folder in

Activate the new repository. Its triples connect the names of recent US presidents to their Wikidata URIs. Run a SPARQL SELECT query to list them all.

Task: Create a new Federated (FedX Virtual SPARQL) repository.

Activate the new repository.

Task: Re-run the SPARQL SELECT query that lists the names of recent US presidents along with their Wikidata URIs.

Task: Extend the SPARQL SELECT query to also list the schema:description of each US president.

Task: Use FILTER and the LANG function to only list president descriptions with language "en".

Tip: Here are some useful PREFIXES:

PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX schema: <>